As the owner of the factory I'm like the head of a family, and as such I can't allow any black sheep among my employees. 我在厂里好比是一家之主,我不能容忍那种害群之马。
It is difficult to say whether the author of the so-called first book of Moses regarded the patriarch Abraham as the owner of his herds in his own right as head of a family community or by right of his position as actual hereditary head of a gens. 很难说,亚伯拉罕族长被所谓摩西一经的作者看作畜群的占有者,究竟是由于他作为家庭公社首领所拥有的权利,还是由于他作为实际上世袭的氏族酋长的身分。
As head of a wealthy family, he had no great interests outside his books and curios and his children. 这位富有之家的一家之主,除去对书籍、古玩、儿女之外,对一切事情都漠不关心。
In the five minutes or so that remain, let's just talk for a moment about the first conversation Cephalus We don't need to look at this at great length. 剩下五分钟左右,我们来谈一下,第一场与男家长,的对话,with,the,head,of,the,family,,Cephalus。,我们不会整篇看完。
Mc: then, we can see him settling down as the head of a family in3 years. 主持人:那麽,我们在3年内将可看见他安定下来成为一家之主。
CPU is the abbreviation of Central Processing Unit, which is the heart of a computer like the head of a family. CPU是中央处理单元的英文缩写。它是计算机的心脏,好比一家之主一样。
BELFAST ( AFP)– A friend of Prince Charles who had been head of an exclusive polo club was killed when a helicopter crashed in Northern Ireland, a spokeswoman for the royal family said. 贝尔法斯特(法新社)&查尔斯王子的一个朋友,曾是独家马球俱乐部的负责人,在北爱尔兰的直升机坠毁中死亡,一名王室女发言人说。
A woman who is the head of a household or the mother of a family. 主妇作为一家之主或母亲的妇女。
Dane Chamorro, head of the China practice at control risks, the consultancy, says investors frequently underestimate the risks of taking a stake in a family company, especially large ones listed on international stock exchanges. 化险咨询(controlrisks)中国主管丹查莫罗(danechamorro)表示,投资者经常低估持有家族企业股权的风险,特别是那些在国际证交所上市的大型家族企业。
I'm for peace, myself, and I don't like the idea of enforcing high-handed measures; but as the owner of the factory I'm like the head of a family, and as such I can't allow any black sheep among my employees. 我是主张和平的,我不喜欢用高压手段,但我在厂里好比是一家之主,我不能容忍那种害群之马。
The paper probes into effect and influence from the method of family education, the languages and behavoirs from the head of a family and family environment to them, and put forward some concrete measures to strengthen ideological and moral education. 本文从家庭教育方法、家长言行及家庭环境等三方面对未成年人思想道德形成的作用和影响问题进行了探讨,并提出了加强思想道德教育的一些具体措施。